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Vegan fashion
white maxi dress
hand dyed jacket
navy blue dress
slow fashion outfit
hemp and organic cotton clothing
slow fashion outfit
navy blue dress
vegan fashion outfit
natural beige dress
vegan fashion
vegan fashion beige dress
The inspiration for SS18 began with simply the color palette of icebergs. The dark navy ocean contrasted with the pale icy blue and white of the icebergs and glaciers. This quickly grew into motivation (on top of what I already felt) to protect and conserve the icebergs and the animals that rely on the frozen landscape for survival. Over the fall of last year, national geographic shared a heartbreaking video of a polar bear dying slowly from starvation. It's so disturbing to me that people are still denying that global warming is real and that it is happening right now and killing individual animals as well as entire species. 
The styles themselves are meant to be flowy and wavy like the ocean, or have pointed tips like icebergs and overall have a sort of unstructured, soft feel which, to me, reflects the melting of ice and snow. I hope Icebergs can act as both an honoring of those animals in struggle and a call to action to us humans to do something about it.

Photographer: Coralie Desmarais, Model: Kiri, Make-up artist: Marina.
Location: Laurie Anne Atelier Fleur.